Q. When was the company established?
The date of establishment of the registered company is June 30, 1942 (Showa 17).
The founding date is June 25, 1942 (Showa 17).
Q. Tell me about the history of the company.
Please see here on this website.
Q. Tell me about your management policy and corporate philosophy.
Please see here on this website.
Q. When was the stock listed?
It was listed on March 24, 2010.
Q. On which market is it listed?
It is listed on (the Prime Market of) the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Q. What is the securities code?
It is 4577.
Q. What is the stock trading unit?
It is 100 shares.
Q. When is the fiscal year-end?
It is May 31.
Q. When will the financial results be announced?
They are scheduled to be announced in July.
For the schedule of financial results announcement, please see the IR calendar.
Q. When will the general shareholders meeting be held?
It is scheduled for August.
Q. Do you offer any shareholder benefits?
Currently, we have no shareholder benefit program.
Q. Who is your shareholder registry administrator?
It is Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Ltd. Until Saturday, March 31, 2012, it was Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking Co, Ltd., which merged with Chuo Mitsui Asset Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. and the Sumitomo Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. on Sunday, April 1, 2012 to become Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Ltd.