Disclosure Policy
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- Disclosure Policy
Daito’s basic stance is to disclose in a timely and appropriate manner corporate information necessary for investors and other stakeholders to accurately judge the value of investment in Daito. To disclose its information always based on appropriate standards, by appropriate methods, and under appropriate systems, Daito has established the following disclosure policy:
Information Disclosure Standards
Daito discloses information in accordance with the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and other laws and regulations, as well as the provisions regarding timely disclosure of corporate information stipulated in the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange ("Timely Disclosure Regulations"). In the event of a decision, an incident, or account settlement information that has a significant influence on investment decisions, Daito promptly discloses the fact of such decision or incident or such information in line with the standards of the "Timely Disclosure Regulations." Daito actively discloses information it considers useful for its shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders to understand Daito even if the "Timely Disclosure Regulations" do not apply.
However, Daito does not disclose personal information, customer information, or information that may infringe the rights of related parties.
Information Disclosure Method
Daito posts information to which the "Timely Disclosure Regulations" apply on its website promptly after registering it with the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) to disclose the information. Daito actively and fairly discloses information to which the "Timely Disclosure Regulations" do not apply by posting the information on its website or in other ways.
Prevention of Insider Trading
Daito establishes internal rules to manage important information properly and prevent insider trading and promotes thorough awareness and understanding of these rules among all officers and personnel.
Handling of Business Forecasts and Information on the Future
Among the business forecasts, plans, and strategies that Daito discloses, those that are not historical facts are descriptions of future business performance and prospects, and these descriptions are based on the judgments of Daito’s management made on the basis of the information available at that time. Therefore, actual business performance may differ significantly due to various risks and uncertain factors.
Quiet period
To prevent leakage of account settlement information and ensure fairness to investors, Daito sets the period from the day after the end of each quarter to the date of announcement of financial results as a quiet period. During this period, Daito refrains from commenting on or answering any questions about its financial results or outlook. However, even during the quiet period, if a significant deviation from already-disclosed business forecasts is expected, Daito will disclose the information as appropriate in accordance with the "Timely Disclosure Regulations."
About the Development of Internal Systems
Daito strives to develop and improve internal systems for properly implementing the disclosure policy and disclosing information in a timely and appropriate manner based on the "Timely Disclosure Regulations."